Saturday, June 23, 2012

Scary Monster and the Super Creeps

Before fake eyelashes

After fake lashes

Last night was my first experience seeing the county famous David Bowie Tribute band. The setting: The Shakedown. The company: Kris and Kellee. The outfit: Black on black (aka hooker attire). The music: Amazing.

I love me some David Bowie. Love love! I even broke out the fake lashes for this event. Which is a pretty big deal because dealing with that eyelash glue all over my eyelids and face is a real pain in the butt. But it was worth it. I channeled my inner drag queen last night. I felt quite brilliant. The performance was great and a good time was had by all. I will definitely be seeing them again as soon as possible. There was even a Labyrinth montage...which was so appreciated ;)

This morning was filled with errand running, laundry doing and dishwasher loading. Stella girl went with us while we went to the craft store, Costco, the co-op and the title transfer place. I am now the proud(ish) owner of a 1979 Mercedes Benz. Classy. As soon as I have insurance on Isaak's car, I'm parking my darling 4-Runner, probably for good. With its 2 quarts of oil per week habit, I can't afford to be driving it anymore. My baby is going to its final resting place where its soul will live on in car Heaven and frolic around with other deceased SUVs. This afternoon, we headed up to Lyndsay's dad's place to hang out for a June birthday extravaganza! Unfortunately, the monsoon hit shortly after we arrived and we spent a good hour huddling under metal roofed structure at the camping area trying to stay dry. Poor Pete was scared of the thunder and stuck pretty close to me. I found out that the sweet baby has cancer and probably wont live past this summer :( Such sad news.

The crazy pouring rain!

The rain let up and we were able to barbeque and hang out around the fire and play with the dogs. Tomorrow, the parents are coming for dinner and I'm in charge of making ribs. I also promised my dad I would serve up some oysters, so it looks like Ill be making a trip down to Taylor shellfish farm. I hope it will be a nice day for a drive!


  1. amazing post :)
    I love your eyes!!

  2. Thanks! I still cant get the eyelash adhesive off :)
