Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Been daydreaming alot lately about having our own house...not that the house I have now isn't mine, but its hard sharing with another couple. And soon a baby as well. Throw in two cats and a dog all in 1300 square feet...feels pretty tight.
We are no where near being able to move but hopefully we'll be motivated to save save save and in a year, have enough for a down payment. I know that buying a house right now isn't viable for us, but I can still fantasize, right? I came across this house cabin in Birch Bay sometime last summer when I was perusing the multiples after I found out that Dan and Meredith were expecting. At the time I was thinking that was a pretty huge incentive for me to move out. It must not be the greatest because I looked it up the other day and its still for sale. Too bad its so far from work because its true love.

found via
Look at that kitchen!!! So cute! I could just eat it up!

Not sure how well this place would work with a family anyway :( Not meant to be.

So, while Ive been hanging out in the fantasy realm, where I have unlimited funds, Ive built my future car.
Mmm gorgeous!

One day, it'll happen. Just you wait.

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