Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Weekend Bits

Friday: Went to dinner at El Nopal with parents. I ate nearly my entire El Nopal Burrito. It was delicious. Mmmm...

Omigod! My moms FACE!!!
We're in love.
Oh Sumas...I dont miss you at all.

Saturday: We were very productive. I made brown soda bread...which Im still trying to perfect. We dropped off recycling. We went to taco bell. We saw Oz. I poisoned Murderface with flea medicine. I honestly thought she was going to die :( And thats pretty much it. Got bad sleep because I was worrying over the kitty. Shes okay now :)

Nice face! Oh, I meant the one on your shirt. Ha!

Sunday: I had wanted to go down to Padilla Bay and hike around, but our Sunshine had come a day early and we thought it best to stick around home to keep an eye on MF. We did more productive stuff!!!! Once I harrassed Chris into getting up, I made us breakfast. Then we did an inventory of freezer items and cleaned the fridge. We rearranged the living room. We took S to the P. By Sunday afternoon, the sun came out from hiding so we wrangled the chairs and table to the end of the driveway and hung out in sun for a little while. Mmmm..sun....

I FINALLY made eggs over easy. I always cook them too high and too long. Perfect! And those potatoes...yeah, I made those too. And that bread...maaaaade it!!!
Much better
Please notice my normal beer and Chris' growler.

And that, is that. I have high hopes that this week will race by. Next weekend is supposed to be HOT. 66 degrees on Saturday. Whaaaaaaa???!?!?!!? Haha!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Aw!!! Yesterday, we went to my great nephews first birthday party. He is so cute! Gah! I have to say, his mom is pretty cute too :) It was nice to be able to see that part of our family, I hadnt seen them since last summer :( Family is very important and I need to be better about making it a priority to spend more time with them. Because lifes short and hard, like a body building elf. Wait! what? Just had a flashback to middle school there for a second. Anyway, life is too short and time passes quickly, so I need to remember to take advantage of every possible minute.
Okay, moving on...

Train cake. I think she did a better job than I ever could.
Cicchittis mushroom and olive with a side of ranch. My favorite pizza in all the land. 

Pinball wizard. Fo realz. Its funny the things you learn about people, more specifically, your husband.
I swear, she makes THE funniest faces!!! I love her :)

Heres the baby that lives at our house! Haha!
This is the only picture I got of the birthday boy. I suck, I know.

And then, a couple of creepy ones from when we got home. Im honestly not sure If I was trying to hide from my own picture, or just trying to inhale Chris' arm. Hmmm...

Well, we learned that Chicchittis is going to close, possibly this weekend. This is hugely sad for me. I feel like the restaurant has been somewhat of an institution in this town, as well as in my family, and Im really...just...sad, I guess. however, Niki said that they have a food cart that has been extremely successful, and that they are catering events, etc. So that gives me some hope. I heard her say something about being at the blues festival. Which got me ALL kinds of excited because guess who else is going to be at the blues festival??? US! Yay!!!! Anyway, maybe they will reopen sometime down the road. A girl can dream, right? I cant believe that today is Thursday!!! One more wake up til the weekend gets started!!!! And its going to be a good one. I can already tell :)
PS: I just looked at the website for the MB Blues Fest and tickets are already on sale!!!! And theres a limited number! OMG. Must get them! Now!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ciao Thyme

Last night, some of my dear friends and I met up at a little place called Ciao Thyme for dinner and a cooking lesson in honor of my recent marriage. Since we had a very short engagement, this was essentially a bridal shower post ceremony. We like to mix things up like that. Thats part of the reason we decided to wait 8 months after getting married to have our reception. To confuse people. Kidding. Anyway, Ciao Thyme is a pretty interesting concept. Ive been there before for Gma Delight's birthday, but this was a completely different experience. Kellee and Kris came up with the idea to get a group together and go to this 'cooking class'. So I was sort of expecting some hands on stuff...but the reality was much better! We were a small group in a much larger 'class'. The place was packed! I guess it was the biggest turnout theyd ever had. So...what the evening actually consisted of was sitting around a table with friends, while a professional chef and staff talked through and demonstrated making the dishes that we would be served. It was really cool! And much better (IMO) than having to be engaged in preparing the food. I took covert pictures with my phone. Just this morning, I realized I didnt get one of our group! Darn.

Crazy, they had the same silverware that we registered for!
Carrot flan type stuff with a sauce made of butter, cream, flour, deliciousness.
Lasagna? I dont know what it was called but it was amazing.
The remains of the Italian style salad. The radicchio was really bitter. But I still liked it. 
Tiramisu. Without the soggy bits. It was heavenly.

It was really an awesome time, getting to catch up a bit with friends, having dinner prepared for us and learning a thing or two about food prep. Im so lucky to have such great people in my life :)

Also! Two new pics of Madison and Murderface. They are best friends. HAHA!

Murder is such a weird cat. I woke up in the middle of the night and she had her little head laid on my chest. She can be such a sweetie. When she wants to be. I adore her :)

Oh Yeah! AND!!!! I was just reminded about this place.

Spend the night in a treehouse! Me likey. Of course they dont have rates posted on the website. How convenient. Im going to dig and see if I can find some sort of price range...or I could just email them. Duh. I wanna go! Can we? CAN WE?!?!? CANWECANWECANWECANWE!?!??!!! No more coffee for me today.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Manic Monday

Oh how I wish it were Sunday...
Seriously though. I feel like my eyes have fiery sand in them. I hope that chugging some coffee helps. I hate Mondays mornings. After the weekend, its always so hard for me to be away from home, to say goodbye to Chris...it just makes me sad. I am so pathetic! Hahaha!
Directly after work today, I have a follow up appointment with the massage therapist for another session of Bowen therapy. I really think that stuff is doing the trick. My back hasnt felt this good since last summer. I wonder how much can be attributed to the treatment, how much to walking more frequently and how much to warmer weather. Im not going to over analyze it. Ill just be thankful instead.

We started watching Portlandia last night. Im going to attribute the weird ass dreams I had to that weird ass show. The term 'weird ass' being a compliment.

Friday, we skipped the gym and when we got home, no one was around! Meredith's dad was in town, so they were spending time with them.
Picked up some more daffodils. SPRIIIIIING!!!!
Window kitten, watching us be weirdos
Sunflower seeds. How rude.
Some spring plants. And an ax in a piece of wood.

We cracked some beers and cranked the music and stood outside in the rain because it was so warm! Then it started to thunder and I started to freak out a little.

So we went to bed and I took pictures of Chris asleep, in the dark. Creeeeeper!

Saturday, we had dinner with Kris, Jo, Reid and Kellee. Then went to Elizabeth Station for a beer, then home, where we discovered the roommates were gone! Its so very rare that we are home alone!!!
Took S to the park, then laid in bed while Chris played black light laser and lit up the GITD stars. We really need to put up the rest of those things. Because I LOVE looking at them right before falling asleep.

Look! Its the North Star!

Sunday was chill.
MF jumped all the way up the door, trying to catch that rainbow.

Took the Stellz to the park (twice!!!) then we had the parents for an early dinner, then just pretty much laid around. Watched a bunch of Portlandia and fell asleep. Now, here we are...back at work. Ick. Im just keeping my fingers crossed that we dont have any issues today and that 4 is here before I know it!